Industry Applications

Common Challenges in Flight Applications

Written by Samuel Lopez | Nov 29, 2023 1:16:30 AM

The Physics of Flight

Understanding the physics of flight requires navigating a complex interplay of aerodynamics, structural dynamics, and propulsion systems. There are many unique challenges, ranging from harnessing aerodynamic forces and optimizing wing configurations for lift to ensuring structural resilience amid dynamic loads and striving for fuel efficiency in propulsion systems.

Simulation tools, such as those provided by Ansys, play a pivotal role in addressing these challenges preemptively. By offering a virtual testing ground, engineers can model and analyze intricate interactions between components, predict system behavior under diverse conditions, and iterate through design scenarios. This proactive simulation-driven approach enables the identification of potential issues early in the design phase, allowing for refined performance optimization. Moreover, it diminishes the reliance on expensive physical prototypes, expedites the development timeline, and contributes to the creation of aircraft that are not only efficient but also robust and reliable in their operational environments. This blog will help outline some of the challenges that exist around designing different aerodynamic components in addition to the capabilities that Ansys has to address these issues.


Common Structural Challenges

As mentioned above, there are many challenges associated with the design and development of the different components that make up an aerodynamic vehicle. However, for each challenge, Ansys has a solution. Some common challenges will be listed below:

Challenge - Modeling the Airframe

  • Modeling the airframe involves addressing complex challenges related to deformation and failure modes under various loading conditions, including aerodynamic forces, turbulence, and structural stresses.

Example Output From Ansys:

  • Ansys visualizes stress across the airframe, highlighting failure-prone areas.
  • Von Mises Stress Distribution Maps: Ansys visualizes stress distribution, highlighting failure-prone areas.
  • Deformation Analysis Outputs: Engineers assess structural deformations, guiding design optimizations for enhanced performance and failure prevention in finite element analyses.

Challenge - Advanced Materials (Composites):

  • Utilizing advanced materials, especially composites, poses challenges in accurately modeling their non-linear behavior, anisotropic properties, and potential failure modes like delamination or fiber breakage.

Example Output From Ansys:

  • Composite Failure Indices: Ansys provides visualizations of composite failure indices, aiding engineers in identifying failure-prone areas and optimizing composite material layups.
  • Anisotropic Material Property Visualization: Engineers can visualize and analyze the anisotropic material properties of composite structures, ensuring accurate representation and optimization of advanced materials.
  • Layered Composite Section Results: Ansys outputs data on the stress and strain distribution within each layer of a composite structure, facilitating detailed analysis and design refinement for enhanced structural performance.

Challenge - High-Speed Impact - Bird Strike:

  • Simulating high-speed impacts, such as bird strikes, requires considering the complex interactions between the airframe and the foreign object, accounting for the impact location, speed, and the consequential dynamic loads on the structure.

Example Output From Ansys:

  • Impact Force Distribution Maps: Ansys visualizes the distribution of impact forces on the structure, aiding engineers in understanding the magnitude and location of forces resulting from high-speed impacts like bird strikes.
  • Damage Visualization: Ansys simulates structural responses, providing visualizations of potential damage modes such as denting, penetration, or deformation caused by high-speed impacts.
  • Post-Impact Deformation Analysis: Ansys outputs analyses illustrating how the structure deforms in response to high-speed impacts, helping engineers optimize designs for impact resistance and overall safety.

Challenge - Durability and Fatigue:

  • Ensuring the durability of the airframe requires addressing fatigue issues arising from cyclic loading during different phases of flight. Engineers must simulate and analyze fatigue under various conditions, considering material properties, structural design, and operational parameters to enhance the lifespan and reliability of the aerodynamic vehicle.

Example Output From Ansys:

  • Fatigue Life Prediction: Ansys calculates fatigue life predictions, offering insights into the number of loading cycles a component can endure before fatigue failure.
  • Stress-Time History Analysis: Ansys provides analyses illustrating how stress levels change over time due to dynamic loading, aiding in the identification of critical periods of high stress.
  • Damage Accumulation Visualization: Ansys outputs visualizations of damage accumulation, allowing engineers to understand how repeated loading contributes to structural wear and fatigue, guiding design refinements for enhanced durability.


Common Aerodynamic Challenges

Challenge - Aerodynamic Loads on a Structure:

  • Modeling the airframe involves addressing challenges related to accurately simulating and predicting the distribution of aerodynamic loads during various flight conditions. Engineers must account for factors such as changes in airspeed, altitude, and angles of attack to understand how these loads impact the structural integrity and stability of the vehicle.

Example Output From Ansys:

  • Surface Pressure Distribution Maps: Ansys visualizes the surface pressure distribution on the airframe, aiding in understanding how aerodynamic forces vary across different components.
  • Integrated Forces and Moments: Ansys calculates integrated aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the entire structure, providing a comprehensive assessment of the overall impact on the vehicle's performance.
  • Flow Visualization and Streamlines: Ansys offers visualizations of airflow patterns around the airframe, including streamlines and velocity vectors, assisting engineers in identifying areas of flow separation, turbulence, or other phenomena affecting aerodynamic loads.

Challenge - Aeroelasticity: Flutter and Buffeting:

  • Aeroelastic effects, including flutter and buffeting, present challenges in predicting and controlling structural oscillations caused by interactions between aerodynamic forces and structural flexibility. Engineers must address potential instability issues, such as flutter, where vibrations can self-excite and lead to structural failure, and buffeting, caused by turbulent airflow impacting the structure.

Example Output From Ansys:

  • Flutter Analysis Results: Ansys delivers comprehensive results, revealing critical flutter speeds and mode shapes where structural oscillations become self-excited due to the interaction of aerodynamic forces and structural flexibility.
  • Buffeting Simulation Outputs: Ansys simulates buffeting effects, providing data on structural responses to turbulent airflow, including vibrations and dynamic pressures.
  • High-Fidelity Turbulence Model and Aeroacoustic Analysis: Ansys incorporates high-fidelity turbulence models and aeroacoustic analyses, simulating the complex interactions between aerodynamic forces, turbulent airflow, and resulting acoustic effects during flutter and buffeting.

Challenge - Aerodynamic Flutter Noise:

  • Predicting and mitigating aerodynamic flutter noise poses challenges as vibrations induced by aerodynamic forces can generate undesirable noise. Engineers need to consider both structural dynamics and aerodynamics to minimize noise levels, especially in aircraft where noise reduction is crucial for comfort and environmental regulations.

Example Output From Ansys:

  • High-Fidelity Turbulence Model Outputs: Employing advanced turbulence models, Ansys provides accurate predictions of the influence of turbulence on aerodynamic flutter noise.
  • Structural Deformation Analysis: Ansys outputs analyses of structural deformations induced by aerodynamic forces, facilitating an understanding of their contribution to flutter-induced noise.


Common Communication and Electronics Challenges

Challenge - Communication Fidelity:

  • Achieving communication fidelity involves modeling and optimizing the electromagnetic characteristics of communication systems within the aerodynamic vehicle, considering factors like signal strength, propagation, and interference.
  • Engineers must address challenges related to antenna placement, signal degradation during flight, and the impact of structural components on communication systems to ensure reliable and high-fidelity data exchange.

Example Output From Ansys:

  • Radar Cross Section (RCS) Maps: Ansys visualizes RCS, assisting engineers in understanding how the aerodynamic vehicle appears to radar systems.
  • Signal Strength Distribution: Ansys provides visualizations of signal strength distribution across the aerodynamic vehicle, aiding engineers in optimizing antenna placements and minimizing signal loss.
  • Interference Analysis Results: Ansys simulates and outputs interference analyses, helping engineers assess and mitigate the impact of environmental factors, including electromagnetic interference and external sources, on communication systems.

Challenge - Lightning Strikes and Electronics Reliability:

  • The risk of lightning strikes presents challenges in protecting electronic components from transient surges, ensuring the reliability of critical systems.
  • Engineers must design and model lightning protection measures, such as shielding and grounding, to safeguard electronic components, preventing damage and maintaining the reliability of avionics and communication systems.

Example Output From Ansys:

  • Current Distribution and Damage Maps: Ansys visualizes lightning-induced currents and potential damage locations, aiding engineers in protective strategy optimization.
  • Thermal Response Visualization: Outputs assist in understanding the thermal impact, guiding strategies for robust thermal management to enhance the reliability of onboard electronics against lightning effects.

Challenge - Aircraft Detection:

  • Detecting other aircraft in the vicinity involves challenges related to the integration of radar, transponder systems, and data processing algorithms.
  • Engineers need to optimize these systems for accurate and timely detection, considering factors like range, resolution, and the impact of environmental conditions on detection capabilities to ensure overall safety and situational awareness.

Example Output From Ansys:

  • Radar Cross Section (RCS) Maps: Ansys provides visualizations of the RCS, aiding engineers in understanding how the aerodynamic vehicle appears to radar systems.
  • Detection Probability Maps: Engineers receive outputs indicating the probability of successful aircraft detection, assisting in optimizing radar systems and signal processing algorithms.


Ansys Capabilities

Ansys is a versatile simulation platform offering accurate and efficient solutions for a range of complex engineering challenges. Its Finite Element Analysis (FEA) capabilities provide precise predictions of structural behavior, while Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) accurately simulates fluid dynamics and heat transfer. Ansys excels in Electromagnetics (EM) simulations for electronic components and systems, and its hybrid solvers strike a balance between accuracy and speed, ensuring efficient analyses across multiple physics. The platform's multiphysics simulations seamlessly integrate various analyses, providing a comprehensive understanding of complex systems. Additionally, Ansys extends its capabilities to electronic system simulations, enabling engineers to optimize circuits, thermal behavior, and signal integrity for enhanced reliability and performance. Some of the capabilities available to ensure a robust solution are listed below:

  • Accuracy (FEA): Highly non-linear behavior, fracture, dynamic response, fatigue (high/low cycle)
  • Accuracy (CFD): Ansys CFD tools offer high-fidelity turbulence models, including Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS), Large Eddy Simulation (LES), and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), providing engineers with accurate representations of complex turbulent flows for a wide range of applications.
  • Accuracy (EM): Full-wave electromagnetic solvers (Ansys HFSS) are industry standard and validated against IEEE publications.
  • Speed: Fully scalable solutions are available with HPC across mesh, solvers, frequency and parametrics.
  • Comprehensiveness (EM): Hybrid solvers cover multiple scales of size and frequency. Full-wave, asymptotic, quasi-static and DC solvers can be combined in a single design.