
Antenna Simulation Using Ansys Discovery

Written by Adel Benleulmi | Dec 28, 2024 3:32:26 AM

Ansys Discovery enables rapid antenna evaluations and seamless transfer of models and physics setups to HFSS for final design validation. This blog covers the key steps to set up an antenna simulation in Ansys Discovery, with an example of a 10 GHz patch antenna.


The considered patch antenna


The demonstrated process includes:

  1. Importing the patch antenna STEP file

  2. Assigning materials

  3. Setting up the excitation

  4. Adding local refinements to the FDTD mesh

  5. Running the simulation

Once the simulation is complete, the FDTD mesh and results can be viewed. Output quantities, such as the return loss and radiation pattern, are plotted, providing valuable insights into the antenna’s performance.


The FDTD mesh


The antenna return loss


You can find the detailed demonstration just below: