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Explore the fascinating world of dam breakup simulations using advanced Ansys Fluent techniques, offering insights into fluid dynamics and disaster prevention.

Understanding the Basics of Dam Breakup Phenomena

The phenomenon of dam breakup is a critical subject in the field of fluid dynamics and civil engineering. At its core, it involves the sudden release of water due to the failure of a dam structure. This can result from natural causes such as earthquakes and heavy rainfall, or from structural weaknesses and human activities. Understanding these dynamics is essential for disaster prevention and mitigation strategies.

The immediate aftermath of a dam breakup typically involves a rapid surge of water downstream, which can cause catastrophic flooding, loss of life, and extensive property damage. Studying the mechanics of dam breakups helps engineers design more resilient structures and develop early warning systems to protect vulnerable communities.

Introduction to Ansys Fluent and VOF Multiphase Modeling

Ansys Fluent is a powerful computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software used to simulate fluid flow and heat transfer processes. One of its advanced features is the Volume of Fluid (VOF) multiphase modeling technique, which is particularly effective for simulating free surface flows and tracking the interface between different fluids.

VOF multiphase modeling is ideal for studying dam breakups because it can accurately capture the complex interactions between water and air during the event. This technique allows for detailed visualization and analysis of fluid behavior, making it an invaluable tool for engineers and researchers in the field.

Setting Up a Dam Breakup Simulation in Ansys Fluent

A tank geometry was generated in SpaceClaim with an obstacle feature. The volume of water was set to the one side of the tank wall with cell register (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The geometry and the volume of water

The VOF multiphase model settings are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. The VOF model settings

The PISO pressure-velocity coupling was selected with the Green-Gauss Node Based Gradient selection. The second order upwind method for momentum, turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate. None-Iterative Time Advancement is also applied to speed up the simulation.  Adaptive time advancement was applied for total of 2500 time steps, and results were saved at every 10 time step.

For post processing purposes, a scene was generated utilizing the iso-clip and iso-surfaces to set the VOF interface between water and air and corresponding wetted surfaces of the tank (Figure 1). A solution animation was created using the corresponding scene. In addition to that a maximum velocity within that tank was created to be plotted during the simulations.

Analyzing Results: Insights from Simulated Data

Once the simulation was complete, an animation was generated using the saved animation images, as shown below. The maximum velocity plot demonstrates how the water accelerates and sows down after passing the obstacle (Figure 3).

In general, the key metrics to analyze include the peak velocity, the time it takes for the water to reach critical downstream areas, and the extent of flooding. For this example, one can notice that the max velocity was achieved at the early stage where the water breaks up due to the obstacle. Later, the water slows down, thus the velocities diminish.

Figure 3. The maximum velocity profile

The details of this application can be found in the below video.

The video can further be reached from YouTube with the following link: Dam Breakup Simulation Using Ansys Fluent


Post by Ertan Taskin
September 10, 2024