
Understanding Sensitivity Analysis in optiSLang: A Deep Dive into Sampling Methods

Written by Ian Chavez | Jan 27, 2025 12:54:25 AM


When optimizing complex designs, understanding how different parameters influence performance is crucial. Sensitivity analysis helps designers identify critical variables, narrowing the design space and simplifying the optimization process. One of optiSLang's most powerful features is its array of sampling methods, each tailored to address unique challenges in exploring design spaces.


What is Sensitivity Analysis?

Sensitivity analysis quantifies how changes in input parameters impact performance metrics. By focusing on variables that matter most, engineers can eliminate unnecessary complexity and optimize their designs more efficiently. OptiSLang excels in this area, offering a variety of sampling methods to drive simulations.





The Core Types of Sampling Methods

1. Uniform Sampling
Uniform sampling ensures consistent coverage across the design space. It's particularly useful for global exploration and establishing broad patterns in the data. Examples include:

  • Monte Carlo Sampling: Employs random distributions for exploring high-dimensional spaces.
  • Sobol Sampling: Uses quasi-random sequences to reduce clustering, improving accuracy without increasing sample sizes.
  • Full Factorial: Systematically evaluates all possible combinations of parameter levels for exhaustive exploration.
  • Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS): Divides the design space into equal intervals, ensuring each interval is sampled once.

2. Focused Sampling
Focused methods zoom in on specific areas of interest, often where critical changes are expected. These methods are valuable for studying non-linear behaviors or critical thresholds:

  • Central Composite Sampling: Concentrates samples near the edges of the design space to understand boundary behavior.
  • Box-Behnken Design: Focuses on midpoints and critical intersections, reducing the number of simulations while maintaining accuracy.

3. Optimal Sampling
Optimal methods aim to achieve maximum data efficiency by balancing coverage and precision:

  • Space-Filling LHS: Enhances Latin Hypercube by ensuring uniform spacing between samples.
  • D-optimal Sampling: Targets statistically significant points for improved regression model quality.

4. Hybrid and Custom Sampling
Hybrid methods combine aspects of uniform, focused, and optimal strategies, offering flexibility for complex challenges. Custom sampling allows users to define unique sampling strategies tailored to their specific problem, blending expertise with automation for maximum efficiency.

Why Sampling Strategy Matters

The choice of sampling method impacts the accuracy and efficiency of the sensitivity analysis. While uniform methods are ideal for global exploration, focused approaches excel in understanding specific regions. Hybrid and custom strategies offer adaptability, allowing engineers to address unique design requirements.

Applying Sampling in optiSLang

The interface highlights the most appropriate methods based on problem characteristics. Color-coded recommendations make it easier for users to select suitable strategies, ensuring efficient exploration and reliable results.





Final Thoughts

Sampling methods in optiSLang provide engineers with powerful tools to optimize complex designs. By understanding the strengths of each approach, you can leverage sensitivity analysis to drive innovation and efficiency in your projects. For a closer look at Sensitivity Analysis methods in Optislang, check out the video below, as well as the rest of the series on Optimizing BPM Motors in MotorCAD and Optislang.